Exoskeleton / tm•gallery / Helsinki
Tidal Shell / 150 x 130 cm / oil on canvas / 2019
Veins / 150 x 130 cm / oil on canvas / 2019
Caro Mundi / 175 x 145 cm / oil on canvas / 2019
Carapace / 110 x 95 cm / oil on canvas / 2019
Fall / 100 x 90 cm / oil on canvas / 2019
Crystallization Point / ø 90 cm / oil on board / 2019
The Deepest Layer / ø 90 cm / oil on board / 2019
Pollinator / ø 90 cm / oil on board / 2019
Luciferin / ø 110 cm / oil on board / 2020
Bones of the Sea / ø 90 cm / oil on board / 2020
Neural Weed /ø 70 cm / oil on board / 2019
Exoskeleton / tm•gallery / Helsinki
Exoskeleton / tm•gallery / Helsinki
Exoskeleton / tm•gallery / Helsinki
Exoskeleton / tm•gallery / Helsinki
Exoskeleton / tm•gallery / Helsinki
16.1.–2.2.2020 / Exoskeleton / tm•gallery / Helsinki
Insect shell, flesh of a plant, bones of the sea, foreign and organic bodies. Spiraling petal, bivalves, rock coral, strange creature in the depths. Our bodies are interconnected. Veins of a leaf spread out, a heart of a fly pumps fluid into a pair of insect wings, a nervous system branches into hyphae and a river into small streams, hot magma bursts into droplets. A heating globe turns around its axis. The processes take a second or thousands of years.